Das ist mein Australien Trip vom 24.02.2006

12 März 2008

Ankunft in Sydney

Shaun hat mich am 12.11.2007 vom Flughafen abgeholt und wir verbrachten eine Woche bei Michael, wo wir Julia von Berlin kenengelernt haben.

Bayrisches Restaurant in Manly

Michael hat uns beiden den nördlichen Teil von Sdney gezeigt.

Mossman Lookout

Holden und Shaun

Wasserski Tag, der war wirklich super, doch ich habs nicht wirklich geschafft, mit den Ski zu fahren. Da fehlt mir noch die richtige Technik. Übung macht den Meister.

Ich und Michael




24 September 2007

back in Germany

Hello there,
today I show you where I´m coming from. This was a festival about hay. Different groups built figures made by hay.

go by a curricle

men by bike

the world specificly Australia

That´s an east german comic "Max and Moritz".

the Emu

a caw and my mother

the Thueringen Forest

Here I was going on a wild mushrooms foray with a friend, that is a Birkenpilz.

that´s a Fliegenpilz, very poisonous but beautyful

We were succsessful, all of them you can eat.

One of the biggest mushrooms.

One of my mothers Restaurants, "Schuetzenhaus Buergel"

The other Restaurant from my mother, the "Fliegerhorst"we had a kidsparty there and I helped here 2 days

On the wayto Halle, a wunderful sunset.

Back in Halle, that is the "Wasserturm" (watertower)

Susi and I at her house and property

the other Susi and I in one of our favorits Cafés on a Sunday

My dog Keyko sleeping next to us

Satherday night in a discothek, we had lots of fun and drinks (Sandy, I, Susi)

Shaun, YOU was mising here!!

To much drinks, so we needed something to eat, I had a McRib, because I haven´t had that 1,5 years, it was great!

21 September 2007

Columbo Sri Lanka

I did send 1 night here, of course to short. The next time, I wanna spend more time here, it was wunderful and different to that what I´ve seen before. I can recomment it!!

Sunrise in Columbo
a little church

a sighn of a sports club

those men sang for me a little while

lots of Motorcicles on the train crossing

Tuc Tuc, the name of that transport car, I used it a cupple times, cool
wunderful house to live

an old house and a new Jeep

on the street

the pool

windy and warm, beautyful

thats my room, directly on the beach and next to the pool